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© Copyright 2017 Future World Leaders


“My humanitarian trip to the Dominican Republic was the most amazing experience of my life. It really put things into perspective for me. As wealthy teens we sometimes forget how lucky we really are to be living in a home with a roof over our heads & unlimited water. Before this trip I was so caught up in drama that I forgot there’s bigger problems in the world. Seeing them first hand made me really think. I am forever grateful I got the opportunity to meet new people & go on this trip. I built connections with such amazing people there. Everyone is so full of love & to say that I might have the opportunity to do this again is a blessing. Much love to everyone”

“This program was an eye opener. It gave me a way of thinking that I did not know I had. This program is a life changing opportunity that everyone should take”

“I learned so much from the trip once again. I learned not to take things for granted, that everything I got is precious, made connections with people, learned about myself more and about different cultures and country. I personally would recommend this group to whoever wants to discover the world but discover themselves as well. This group helped me a lot. Hope to continue again”


“We would like to thank you for giving … the opportunity to be part of this unique experience. I am sure he has walked away from this experience with not only a broader knowledge base but also a greater awareness of his empathic abilities. We look forward to another collaboration in the near future” 


“Ce programme fait une différence significative dans la vie d’un jeune qui a la volanté de découvrir l’autre, de contribuer à une autre communauté que la sienne et de partager d’autres visions et ses et coutumes. Il ouvre des horizons, permet l’auto-accomplissement et de par les réalités découvertes, rend le jeune plus concient de ce qu’il peut apporter et partager. Il apprend l’espoir a travers les difficultés et apprècie d’avantage son propre milieu de vie. Découvrir l’humanité permet de découvrir son propre humanisme, ses forces et ses points d’amélioration. La découverte devient un fier apprentissage et apporte la confiance”


© Copyright 2017 Future World Leaders